
Vatsalya is a technologist who engages people in interesting conversations around security. His love for security and experience as a developer allows him to try innovative ways of solving problems and enable his teams to deliver secure code without security being a process hindrance.
He loves to tinker with new languages, explore new ways of designing software and dive into something new in the IT world. In his spare time you will find him contributing to random Open Source Software as a way to give back to the community.
Telstra Purple
I am currrently working at Telstra Purple, a Technology services. I love my work and look forward to tackling new challenges daily. My inspiration for this blog stems primarily from my experiences working at the company.
Monash University
I completed my tertiary education at Monash University, Australia in Bachelor of Software Engineering. While at university, security and penetration testing always intrigued me. This is where I developed my passion for security. I took part in various CTF's primarily Cyber Security Challenge Australia to strengthen my skillset and managed to come second with my team MONU1 in the 24 hour challenge.